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    Bone marrow donation is generally a safe procedure with minimal risk. The vast majority of donors recover fully and experience no long-term health problems. However, it's important to be aware of the potential side effects and complications before making a decision to donate.

    Here are some additional details about the risks and safety of bone marrow transplant for donor:

    Donors may experience pain or discomfort in the hip area where the bone marrow is extracted. This is usually temporary and can be managed with pain medication. The level of discomfort varies from person to person. Some donors describe it as a dull ache, while others experience more intense pain. The pain usually subsides within a few days or weeks.

    Some donors may feel tired or weak for a few days or weeks after the procedure. This is because the body needs time to replenish the bone marrow that was donated. Fatigue is a common side effect and usually resolves on its own with rest and proper nutrition.

    There is a small risk of infection at the needle insertion site. This risk can be minimized by following proper hygiene practices and keeping the incision site clean. Signs of infection include redness, swelling, pain, and drainage at the incision site. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to contact your doctor immediately.

    In rare cases, donors may experience complications from the anesthesia used during BMT donation procedure. These complications can include allergic reactions, breathing problems, and heart problems. Anesthesia complications are rare, but they can be serious. It's important to discuss any concerns you have about anesthesia with your doctor before the procedure.

    There is a very small risk of damage to nerves or muscles in the hip area. This risk can be minimized by choosing an experienced and qualified medical professional to perform the procedure. Nerve or muscle damage can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected area. These symptoms may be temporary or permanent.

    Bone marrow donation is considered a relatively safe procedure, and serious complications are rare. The vast majority of donors recover fully and experience no long-term health problems. However, it's important to be aware of the potential side effects and complications before making a decision to donate.

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    A bone marrow transplant is not typically used as a primary treatment for colon cancer because colon cancer rarely directly affects the bone marrow; however, in very specific situations where high-dose chemotherapy is needed to treat advanced colon cancer and could severely damage bone marrow, a bone marrow transplant might be considered to replenish healthy blood cells after treatment.

    There are some situations where it might be considered:

    Colon cancer originates in the lining of the colon, not in the bone marrow. Bone marrow transplants are typically used for cancers affecting the blood or bone marrow, like leukemia or lymphoma. Treatment for colon cancer usually involves surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies.

    However, there might be rare situations where a bone marrow transplant is considered in the context of colon cancer. Researchers might explore the use of bone marrow transplants in specific clinical trial settings for advanced colon cancer.

    In rare cases, colon cancer treatment might lead to the development of a secondary cancer affecting the bone marrow, such as leukemia. If this occurs, a bone marrow transplant might be considered as a treatment option for the secondary cancer.

    It's important to remember that each case is unique, and treatment decisions are made on an individual basis. If you have concerns about colon cancer and its treatment, consult with a medical oncologist specializing in gastrointestinal cancers.

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    Yes, it is possible to have a normal life after a bone marrow transplant, but it's important to understand that "normal" may have a new meaning for each individual.

    After BMT transplant, initial months require rigorous monitoring for infections and GVHD. Stay close to the hospital, adhere to strict hygiene and diet rules. As your immune system recovers, gradually resume normal activities. Regaining full strength may take several months to a year. Regular checkups with your healthcare team are crucial for monitoring and addressing complications.

    GVHD is a common complication where the donor cells attack your healthy tissues. It can range from mild to severe and may require ongoing treatment. Due to a weakened immune system, you'll be more susceptible to infections, especially during the initial recovery period. You may experience fatigue for several months after the transplant. Depending on your overall health and the type of transplant, you may experience other complications like organ damage, cataracts, or infertility.

    For many people, a bone marrow transplant can significantly improve their quality of life by curing the underlying disease and restoring their health. Most people can eventually return to their normal routines, including work, school, and social activities. While some complications may persist, many people live long and healthy lives after a bone marrow transplant.

    The recovery process and long-term outlook vary for each person depending on factors like age, overall health, the type of transplant, and the presence of complications. Having a strong support system of family, friends, and healthcare professionals is crucial for a successful recovery. The transplant journey can be emotionally challenging. It's important to address any anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns.

    In conclusion, while a bone marrow transplant is a major medical procedure with potential risks and challenges, it can offer a new lease on life for many people. With proper care and support, it is possible to achieve a good quality of life and return to a fulfilling life after a bone marrow transplant.

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    A bone marrow transplant, also known as a stem cell transplant, is a medical procedure that replaces damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside your bones that produces blood cells. A bone marrow transplant may be used to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer, blood disorders, and immune deficiencies.

    Here are three common reasons why a patient might need a bone marrow transplant:

    1. To replace damaged or destroyed bone marrow: This can be caused by diseases like leukemia, aplastic anemia, or lymphoma, or by treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In these cases, the bone marrow is no longer able to produce enough healthy blood cells, which can lead to life-threatening complications. A bone marrow transplant can provide the patient with new, healthy bone marrow that can produce the blood cells they need.
    2. To replace bone marrow that is not producing enough healthy blood cells: This can be caused by diseases like myelodysplastic syndrome or thalassemia. In these cases, the bone marrow is still producing some blood cells, but not enough to meet the body's needs. A bone marrow transplant can provide the patient with new bone marrow that can produce more healthy blood cells.
    3. To provide new stem cells that can help fight cancer cells: This is often used in the treatment of leukemia and other cancers. In these cases, the goal of the transplant is to provide the patient with new immune cells that can recognize and attack cancer cells. This can help to improve the patient's chances of survival.

    Bone marrow transplants are a complex medical procedure, and the decision to undergo a transplant is a serious one. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of a bone marrow transplant with your doctor before making a decision.

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    50% совпадение, также известное как гаплоидентичное совпадение, означает, что донор разделяет половину своих генов человеческого лейкоцитарного антигена (HLA) с реципиентом. Это важное соображение для трансплантации костного мозга, так как белки HLA играют решающую роль в иммунной системе.

    Гены HLA представляют собой сложный набор генов, которые определяют тип ткани человека. Идеальное совпадение происходит, когда все гены HLA идентичны у донора и реципиента. Гаплоидентичное совпадение означает, что только половина этих генов идентичны.

    Это главная проблема при гаплоидентичных трансплантациях. РТПХ возникает, когда иммунные клетки донора (трансплантированные с костным мозгом) атакуют ткани реципиента. Риск РТПХ выше при гаплоидентичном совпадении из-за несовпадения генов HLA. Чтобы минимизировать риск РТПХ, при трансплантации костного мозга используются специализированные подходы к лечению.

    Назначаются мощные лекарства для подавления иммунной системы донора и предотвращения ее атаки на реципиента. Донорские клетки могут пройти процесс удаления Т-клеток, типа иммунных клеток, которые играют ключевую роль в РТПХ. Тщательный мониторинг и агрессивное лечение необходимы для управления потенциальными осложнениями, такими как РТПХ и инфекции.

    Показатели успешности гаплоидентичных трансплантаций костного мозга значительно улучшились в последние годы благодаря достижениям в лечении и поддерживающей терапии. Однако они, как правило, ниже, чем показатели полностью совместимых трансплантаций.

    Гаплоидентичными донорами часто являются члены семьи (родители, братья и сестры, дети), что делает их более доступными, чем полностью совместимые неродственные доноры. В ситуациях, когда необходима быстрая трансплантация, гаплоидентичный донор может быть лучшим вариантом.

    Решение о проведении гаплоидентичной трансплантации костного мозга является сложным и должно приниматься совместно с командой опытных медицинских специалистов. Они могут оценить индивидуальные риски и преимущества, обсудить варианты лечения и помочь пациенту и его семье в процессе принятия решения.

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    في حالة زراعة نخاع العظم لمرض فقر الدم المنجلي، فإن المتبرع المثالي هو شقيق أو شقيقة يتطابقان وراثيًا (بمعنى أنهما يشتركان في جزء كبير من الحمض النووي الخاص بهما)، حيث من المرجح أن يكون لديهما نخاع عظم متوافق؛ ومع ذلك، إذا لم يكن الشقيق أو الشقيقة متطابقين، فيمكن أيضًا اعتبار المتبرعين غير المرتبطين من سجل المتبرعين اعتمادًا على نوع مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) والتوافق مع المريض.

    شقيق أو شقيقة يتطابقان في مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA):

    هذا يعني الأخ أو الأخت الذي يشترك في نفس الوالدين ولديه تطابق وثيق في نوع مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA). توجد بروتينات مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) على سطح معظم الخلايا وتلعب دورًا حاسمًا في الجهاز المناعي.

    إن التطابق الوثيق لمستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) يقلل بشكل كبير من خطر الإصابة بمرض الطعم ضد المضيف (GVHD)، وهو أحد المضاعفات الخطيرة حيث يهاجم الجهاز المناعي للمتبرع أنسجة المتلقي. تتمتع عمليات زراعة نخاع العظم من الأشقاء المتطابقين في مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) بمعدلات نجاح أعلى بشكل عام.

    المتبرعون غير المرتبطين:

    إذا لم يتوفر شقيق مطابق. تساعد سجلات نخاع العظم في مطابقة المرضى مع متبرعين متطوعين غير مرتبطين. يعد العثور على متبرع غير مرتبط مطابق تمامًا أمرًا صعبًا، لكن التطورات في تقنيات الزرع جعلت ذلك ممكنًا في بعض الحالات.

    دم الحبل السري:

    يمكن استخدام دم الحبل السري من الأطفال حديثي الولادة كمصدر للخلايا الجذعية. قد تكون عمليات زرع دم الحبل السري خيارًا عندما لا يتوفر شقيق مطابق أو متبرع غير مرتبط.

    يخضع المتبرعون المحتملون لتقييمات طبية صارمة لضمان صحتهم وملاءمتهم للتبرع. يعد التبرع بنخاع العظم إجراءً طبيًا مهمًا ينطوي على مخاطر محتملة. الموافقة المستنيرة الشاملة ضرورية لكل من المتبرع والمتلقي. من الأهمية بمكان استشارة طبيب أمراض الدم أو أخصائي زراعة نخاع العظم للحصول على إرشادات شخصية ومعلومات خاصة بحالتك.

    قم بزيارة مسؤولنا لمعرفة المزيد:-…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, where blood cells are made. In leukemia, the bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells that don't function properly and crowd out healthy blood cells.

    Bone marrow transplants may be necessary for leukemia patients in certain situations because they can:

    Leukemia treatment often involves chemotherapy to kill cancer cells. However, high doses of chemotherapy can severely damage the bone marrow, the very tissue responsible for producing healthy blood cells. A bone marrow transplant acts as a "rescue" for the damaged bone marrow. The transplanted healthy stem cells repopulate the bone marrow, allowing it to recover and resume producing healthy blood cells.

    Chemotherapy is a common treatment for leukemia, but high doses can damage the bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant can replace the damaged bone marrow, allowing for higher doses of chemotherapy that may be more effective at killing leukemia cells. The transplanted bone marrow can also help boost the patient's immune system, which can help fight off the leukemia and other infections.

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): AML often requires intensive treatment, and a bone marrow transplant may be considered in first remission (no detectable signs of cancer) to prevent relapse. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML): While medications like tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are highly effective in treating CML, a transplant may be an option for patients who are not responding to TKIs, have severe side effects, or are considering a potential cure.

    In some cases, the transplanted immune cells from a donor (in an allogeneic transplant) can recognize and attack any remaining leukemia cells in the recipient's body. This is known as the "graft-versus-leukemia" effect.

    Bone marrow transplants are complex procedures with significant risks. They are not suitable for all leukemia patients. The decision to pursue a bone marrow transplant is made on an individual basis, considering factors like type and stage of leukemia, patient's age and overall health, treatment response to chemotherapy and other therapies, and availability of a suitable donor.

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    A bone marrow transplant is considered failing if a patient's blood cell counts do not start to rise within a few weeks after the transplant, indicating that the new donor cells are not properly "engrafting" and producing new blood cells; this is usually monitored through regular blood tests that measure "chimerism," the ratio of donor to recipient cells in the blood, and a significant drop in the donor cell percentage can signal graft failure.

    A bone marrow transplant may be failing if you experience the following signs such as

    • Persistent low levels of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets after the transplant timeframe for engraftment.
    • Frequent infections due to a weakened immune system from lack of new white blood cells.
    • Low platelet counts can lead to excessive bleeding.
    • Symptoms related to anemia caused by low red blood cell count
    • Blood tests showing a significant drop in the percentage of donor cells in the patient's blood.
    • Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) is a serious complication where the donor's immune cells attack the recipient's body. It can show some signs like skin rash, diarrhea, liver problems, and lung problems.

    Doctors closely monitor patients after a bone marrow transplant through regular blood tests to catch signs of graft failure early. If you experience any concerning symptoms after a bone marrow transplant, contact your doctor right away. Depending on the situation, further treatment options may include a second transplant from the same donor, a different donor, or additional donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI). Early detection is crucial. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

    Monitor blood cell counts (white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets), check for infections, and assess organ function. To evaluate the health and function of the transplanted bone marrow. Imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or PET scans, may be used to check for the return of the underlying disease or to assess organ function to check BMT failure.

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    ከአጥንት ንቅለ ተከላ በኋላ የሰውነት በሽታ የመከላከል ስርዓትዎ ተዳክሟል, ይህም ለበሽታዎች የበለጠ ተጋላጭ ያደርገዋል. ስለዚህ አደጋን ሊጨምሩ የሚችሉ ምግቦችን ማስወገድ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው። የድህረ-ንቅለ ተከላ ደረጃን ከግምት ውስጥ ማስገባት ያሉባቸው አንዳንድ ቁልፍ ምድቦች እዚህ አሉ።

    • ጥሬ ወይም ያልበሰሉ ምግቦች፡ እንደ ሱሺ፣ ብርቅዬ ስቴክ እና የዶሮ እርባታ በደንብ ያልበሰለ ጥሬ ወይም ያልበሰሉ አማራጮችን ያስወግዱ። ጥሬ እንቁላሎችን በማንኛውም መልኩ አይውሰዱ (ለምሳሌ, በሳባዎች, የኩኪ ሊጥ). ያልተፈጨ ወተት፣ አይብ እና ሌሎች የወተት ተዋጽኦዎች ጎጂ ባክቴሪያዎችን ሊይዙ ይችላሉ። ሁሉንም ምርቶች በደንብ ያጠቡ. ያልታጠበ ወይም ጥሬ ቡቃያዎችን ያስወግዱ. ያልበሰለ ቶፉ፣ ጥሬ ወይም ያልበሰለ ማር።

    • በባክቴሪያ የበለፀጉ ምግቦች፡- በደንብ ወደ ትኩስ ሙቀት ካልተሞቁ በስተቀር ጉንፋን እና ትኩስ ውሾችን ያስወግዱ። በማቀዝቀዣ ውስጥ የተጨሱ ዓሦች ባክቴሪያዎችን ሊሸከሙ ይችላሉ. በከፊል ከተዘጋጁ የባህር ምግቦች ይጠንቀቁ.

    • ሌሎች ጉዳዮች፡ አልኮል በመድሃኒት ውስጥ ጣልቃ በመግባት በሽታ የመከላከል አቅምን ሊያዳክም ይችላል። ካፌይን ድርቀት ሊያስከትል እና እንቅልፍን ሊያስተጓጉል ይችላል። ቅመም የበዛባቸው ምግቦች እና ከፍተኛ ፋይበር ያላቸው ምግቦች የምግብ መፍጫ ስርዓቱን ወደ ተቅማጥ ሊያመራ ይችላል. አሲዳማ የሆኑ ምግቦች የአፍ መቁሰል ሊያስከትሉ ይችላሉ።

    ጥብቅ የምግብ ደህንነት እርምጃዎችን ይለማመዱ. ሁሉንም ስጋዎች፣ የዶሮ እርባታ እና የባህር ምግቦችን ወደሚመከሩት የውስጥ ሙቀቶች ያብስሉ። ሐኪምዎ ወይም የተመዘገበ የአመጋገብ ባለሙያ በግል ፍላጎቶችዎ እና በሚያጋጥሙዎት ማናቸውም ችግሮች ላይ በመመርኮዝ የተወሰኑ የአመጋገብ ምክሮችን ይሰጣሉ። በሚያገግሙበት ጊዜ የአመጋገብ ገደቦች ሊለወጡ ይችላሉ።

    ለበለጠ መረጃ ኦፊሴላዊውን ጣቢያ ይጎብኙ::…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    «Излечим ли рак груди, если он распространился на кости, с помощью трансплантации костного мозга?» Рак груди, распространившийся на кости (метастатический рак груди), обычно считается неизлечимым. Хотя излечение может быть невозможным, существуют эффективные методы лечения, которые могут значительно улучшить качество жизни, контролировать симптомы и потенциально продлить выживаемость на многие годы.

    Трансплантация костного мозга (ТКМ) не является стандартным методом лечения рака груди, распространившегося на кости (метастатический рак груди). ТКМ в основном используется для лечения рака крови, такого как лейкемия и лимфома. Ее эффективность в лечении солидных опухолей, таких как рак груди, ограничена. ТКМ часто включает высокодозную химиотерапию, которая может иметь значительные побочные эффекты.

    Существуют другие эффективные варианты лечения метастатического рака груди в кости, такие как гормональная гормональная терапия, таргетная терапия, химиотерапия, лучевая терапия и бисфосфонаты.

    Основные цели лечения метастатического рака груди в кости обычно включают замедление или остановку роста раковых клеток. Облегчение боли, предотвращение переломов и устранение других побочных эффектов. Помощь пациентам в максимально комфортной и полноценной жизни.

    Варианты лечения

    Наиболее эффективный подход к лечению будет зависеть от конкретной ситуации человека, включая тип и стадию рака, общее состояние здоровья и цели лечения. Крайне важно обсудить варианты лечения с врачом-онкологом, который специализируется на раке груди. Он может предоставить персонализированные рекомендации и порекомендовать наиболее подходящий план лечения. Участие в клинических испытаниях может предоставить доступ к экспериментальным методам лечения, которые потенциально могут улучшить результаты.

    Для получения дополнительной информации посетите официальный сайт:…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    Ja, 'n kind kan beenmurg aan 'n ouer skenk tydens die BMT-oorplantingsproses, maar dit is 'n komplekse situasie met belangrike oorwegings, soos die primêre bekommernis is altyd die kind se welstand. Die potensiële risiko's en voordele van die skenking moet noukeurig opgeweeg word, om te verseker dat die prosedure in die kind se beste belang is.

    Terwyl ouers tipies mediese besluite vir hul kinders neem, moet die kind se mening en begrip sover moontlik oorweeg word, afhangende van hul ouderdom en volwassenheid. Die kind moet 'n geskikte weefselpasmaat vir die ouer wees. Die kind se algemene gesondheid moet goed genoeg wees om die skenkingsprosedure te weerstaan.

    Beenmurgskenking, selfs by kinders, hou sekere risiko's in, insluitend:

    • Daar is 'n geringe risiko van infeksie by die skenkingsplek.
    • Die kind kan 'n mate van ongemak of pyn ervaar na die prosedure.
    • In baie seldsame gevalle kan meer ernstige komplikasies voorkom.

    Dit behels tipies 'n chirurgiese prosedure om beenmurg uit die heupbeen te onttrek. Perifere bloedstamselskenking is 'n minder indringende opsie waar medikasie aan die kind gegee word om stamselle in die bloedstroom te mobiliseer, en dan word die stamselle deur aferese versamel (soortgelyk aan bloedskenking).

    Indien 'n kind as 'n beenmurgskenker vir 'n ouer oorweeg word, sal 'n deeglike mediese evaluasie van beide die kind en die ouer gedoen word. In baie gevalle sal 'n etiekkomitee die voorgestelde skenking hersien om te verseker dat dit aan etiese riglyne voldoen. Oop en eerlike kommunikasie tussen die mediese span, die ouers en die kind (in die mate toepaslik) is deur die hele proses deurslaggewend.

    Besoek ons amptenaar om meer te wete te kom: -…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    A bone marrow transplant, also known as a stem cell transplant, is a medical procedure that replaces damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue found inside bones and is responsible for producing blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).

    Bone marrow transplants in children can have high success rates, especially for certain conditions like leukemia. However, success varies greatly depending on several factors:

    • Type of Leukemia: Some types of leukemia are more responsive to bone marrow transplants than others.
    • Stage of Disease: Early-stage leukemia generally has a better prognosis than advanced-stage disease.
    • Autologous (using the child's own stem cells): Generally has a higher success rate than allogeneic transplants.
    • Allogeneic (using stem cells from a donor): Success rates can vary depending on the donor's relationship to the child (sibling vs. unrelated donor) and the child's overall health.
    • Donor Match: A close match between the donor and recipient is crucial for successful engraftment and reduces the risk of complications.
    • Child's Overall Health: The child's general health and any existing medical conditions can impact the success of the transplant.

    The success rate of a bone marrow transplantation for a child depends on the type of disease being treated. According to research in blood cancer reldted case the survival rate for children with leukemia who undergo a bone marrow transplant can range from 30% to 70%. The survival rate for children with genetic diseases who undergo a bone marrow transplant is usually between 80% and 95%. These are general observations.

    The specific success rate for a child will depend on their individual circumstances. It's crucial to discuss the potential risks and benefits of a bone marrow transplant with the child's medical team.

    Visit our official to know more:-…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    زراعة نخاع العظم (BMT) هي علاج خاص للمرضى المصابين ببعض أنواع السرطان أو أمراض أخرى. تتضمن عملية زراعة نخاع العظم أخذ الخلايا الموجودة عادة في نخاع العظم (الخلايا الجذعية)، وتصفيتها، وإعادتها إما إلى المتبرع (المريض) أو إلى شخص آخر. الهدف من عملية زراعة نخاع العظم هو نقل خلايا نخاع العظم السليمة إلى شخص ما بعد معالجة نخاع العظم غير الصحي الخاص به لقتل الخلايا غير الطبيعية.

    تتم مطابقة عمليات زرع نخاع العظم من خلال مقارنة أنواع مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) للمتبرع والمتلقي. يتم تحديد أنواع مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) من خلال اختبار عينة دم أو مسحة خد للبحث عن البروتينات الموجودة على سطح خلايا الدم.

    يتضمن تحديد نوع مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية جينات متعددة، كل منها يحتوي على أليلات مختلفة (إصدارات مختلفة من الجين). يؤدي الجمع بين هذه الجينات إلى إنشاء مجموعة كبيرة من أنواع مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية المحتملة، مما يجعل العثور على تطابق دقيق أمرًا صعبًا. إن التطابق الوثيق بين مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) أمر بالغ الأهمية لتقليل مخاطر الإصابة بمرض الطعم ضد المضيف (GVHD)، وهو أحد المضاعفات الخطيرة حيث يهاجم الجهاز المناعي للمتبرع أنسجة المتلقي.

    يخضع كل من المتلقي والمتبرعين المحتملين لفحص مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA)، والذي يتضمن عادةً اختبارات الدم.

    تقوم التقنيات المتقدمة بتحليل الحمض النووي لتحديد أليلات الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) المحددة. تقوم خوارزميات الكمبيوتر المتطورة بتحليل بيانات مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) لتحديد أقرب المطابقات داخل السجلات مثل Be The Match. كما يتم النظر في عوامل أخرى بخلاف مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA)، مثل الحالة الطبية للمتلقي والحاجة الملحة.

    إذا تم العثور على تطابق مناسب بين أفراد الأسرة، يتم إعطاؤهم الأولوية. وإذا لم يتم العثور على تطابق مناسب بين أفراد الأسرة، يتم توسيع البحث ليشمل المتبرعين غير المرتبطين في السجلات. والهدف هو العثور على المتبرع الأكثر توافقًا مع أعلى فرصة لنجاح عملية الزرع.

    في حين أن التطابق بين مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية (HLA) أمر بالغ الأهمية، فإن عوامل أخرى تؤثر على اختيار المتبرع مثل أن يكون المتبرع بصحة جيدة ويستوفي معايير طبية محددة. يخضع المتبرعون لتقييم شامل لتقييم مدى ملاءمتهم واستعدادهم للتبرع. كما يتم أخذ الاعتبارات العملية مثل توفر المتبرعين واللوجستيات الخاصة بعملية التبرع في الاعتبار.

    يلعب هذا السجل العالمي دورًا حيويًا في ربط المرضى بالمتبرعين المحتملين غير المرتبطين. يعد السجل المتنوع الذي يضم أفرادًا من خلفيات عرقية وإثنية مختلفة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لزيادة فرص العثور على تطابقات لجميع المرضى.

    لمزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة الموقع الرسمي:…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    Bone marrow transplants (also known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or HSCT) can be a successful treatment option for some people with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).

    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of rare blood cancers that occur when the bone marrow produces immature blood cells instead of healthy ones. Early on, there are usually no symptoms, but as the disease progresses, symptoms may fatigue , shortness of breath, unusual paleness, easy or unusual bruising or bleeding, pinpoint-sized red spots on the skin, and frequent infections.


    Younger, fitter patients with a good match for a donor generally have better outcomes. Earlier-stage MDS with lower-risk features often has better transplant outcomes. A well-matched donor (related or unrelated) is crucial for successful engraftment and reduced complications.

    In some cases, bone marrow transplant can offer a potential cure for MDS, eliminating the underlying disease. Compared to supportive care alone, it can significantly improve survival rates for eligible patients.

    BMT carries significant risks such as Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) whre the donor's immune system attacks the recipient's tissues. The conditioning regimen and immunosuppression increase the risk of infection. In some cases other complication also arise such as organ damage, bleeding, and delayed engraftment.

    Bone marrow transplant is not suitable for all myelodysplastic syndromes patients, particularly older adults or those with significant medical conditions. The success of BMT varies greatly from person to person. The decision to pursue bone marrow transplant should be made in close consultation with a team of experienced hematologists and transplant specialists.

    For more information visit the official site::…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    A bone marrow transplant may be considered at various stages of a disease, depending on the specific condition and its severity. Here are some general situations where a bone marrow transplant might be necessary:

    • Leukemia: Bone marrow transplant is a common treatment option for leukemia, especially in cases of acute leukemia that haven't responded well to chemotherapy.
    • Lymphoma: In some types of lymphoma, particularly Hodgkin lymphoma, a bone marrow transplant may be considered if the lymphoma has relapsed or hasn't responded to other treatments.
    • Multiple myeloma: Bone marrow transplant can be used to treat multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells, especially in younger patients.
    • Other cancers: Bone marrow transplant may be an option for certain types of solid tumors that have spread to the bone marrow.
    • Aplastic anemia: This condition occurs when the bone marrow doesn't produce enough blood cells. A bone marrow transplant can be a curative treatment for aplastic anemia.
    • Thalassemia: Thalassemia is a group of inherited blood disorders that can lead to anemia. Bone marrow transplant may be considered for severe cases of thalassemia.
    • Sickle cell disease: Bone marrow transplant is a potential treatment option for sickle cell disease, although it's typically reserved for severe cases.
    • Other inherited disorders: Bone marrow transplant may be considered for other inherited disorders that affect blood cell production.

    It's important to note that a bone marrow transplant is a complex procedure with potential risks and side effects. The decision to proceed with a transplant is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific disease, the patient's overall health, and the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.

    Here are some of the factors that doctors consider when deciding whether or not to recommend a bone marrow transplant such as the type and stage of the disease, the patient's age and, overall health, the availability of a suitable donor, the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.

    If you are considering a bone marrow transplant, it's important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the procedure. They can help you make an informed decision about whether or not it's the right treatment for you.

    For more information visit the official site::…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    አዎን፣ የአጥንት መቅኒ ንቅለ ተከላ (BMT) በአሁኑ ጊዜ የማጭድ ሴል በሽታን (SCD) ብቸኛ ፈውስ እንደሆነ ይቆጠራል።

    የሲክል ሴል በሽታ (ሲዲ) በቀይ የደም ሴሎች ውስጥ ባለው ያልተለመደ ሄሞግሎቢን ምክንያት የሚከሰት ሲሆን ይህም ወደ ማጭድ ቅርጻቸው ይመራል። BMT የታካሚውን እነዚህን ያልተለመዱ ህዋሶች የሚያመነጨውን መቅኒ ጤናማ በሆነ ለጋሽ ለመተካት ነው። በሐሳብ ደረጃ፣ ለጋሹ ፍጹም ተዛማጅ የሆነ የቲሹ ዓይነት ያለው የቅርብ ዘመድ (ወንድም እህት) ነው። ሆኖም ግን፣ ያልተዛመዱ ለጋሾች ወይም በከፊል የሚዛመዱ ለጋሾች (እንደ ወላጆች) አንዳንድ ጊዜ ጥቅም ላይ ሊውሉ ይችላሉ።

    ከመተካቱ በፊት ተቀባዩ የታመመውን የአጥንት መቅኒያቸውን ለማጥፋት የኬሞቴራፒ እና/ወይም የጨረር ሕክምናን ያካሂዳል። ይህ ጤናማ ለጋሽ ህዋሶች እንዲተከል ቦታ ይፈጥራል። የለጋሾቹ አጥንት መቅኒ ወይም ግንድ ሴሎች በተቀባዩ ደም ውስጥ በ IV በኩል ገብተዋል። የተተከሉት ሴሎች ወደ ተቀባዩ አጥንት መቅኒ በመሄድ ጤናማ ቀይ የደም ሴሎችን ማምረት ይጀምራሉ። ይህ ሂደት, ኢንግራፍቲንግ ተብሎ የሚጠራው, ብዙውን ጊዜ ብዙ ሳምንታት ይወስዳል.

    ከተሳካ፣ የአጥንት መቅኒ ንቅለ ተከላ ለ SCD ፈዋሽ ህክምና ሊሆን ይችላል። የተቀባዩ አካል ጤናማ ቀይ የደም ሴሎችን ማምረት ይጀምራል, ይህም የበሽታውን መንስኤ ያስወግዳል. ይህ የህይወት ጥራትን በእጅጉ ያሻሽላል እና ከ SCD ጋር ተያይዘው የሚመጡ ችግሮችን ሊቀንስ ወይም ሊያስወግድ ይችላል እንደ የህመም ቀውሶች፣ ስትሮክ፣ የአካል ክፍሎች መጎዳት እና ሥር የሰደደ ኢንፌክሽኖች።

    BMT ውስብስብ እና ከባድ ሂደት ነው እንደ ግራፍት-ቨርሰስ-ሆስት በሽታ (ጂቪኤችዲ) ያሉ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ አደጋዎች ለጋሹ የበሽታ መከላከያ ስርዓት የተቀባዩን አካል ሲያጠቁ። ከተቀየረ በኋላ የተቀባዩ የበሽታ መከላከያ ስርዓት ተዳክሟል, ይህም የኢንፌክሽን አደጋን ይጨምራል. እነዚህም የአካል ክፍሎችን መጎዳት, የደም መፍሰስ እና የነርቭ ችግሮች ሊያካትቱ ይችላሉ.

    ተስማሚ ለጋሽ ማግኘት ፈታኝ ሊሆን ይችላል፣ በተለይም ፍጹም ተዛማጅ ወንድም ወይም እህት ለሌላቸው ታካሚዎች። BMT SCD ላለባቸው ሰዎች ሁሉ ተስማሚ አይደለም። እንደ ዕድሜ, አጠቃላይ ጤና እና የበሽታው ክብደት ያሉ ምክንያቶች ግምት ውስጥ ይገባል. ከተሳካ ንቅለ ተከላ በኋላ እንኳን፣ ሊከሰቱ የሚችሉ ችግሮችን ለመቆጣጠር እና የረጅም ጊዜ ጤናን ለማረጋገጥ የዕድሜ ልክ ክትትል ወሳኝ ነው።

    ለበለጠ መረጃ ኦፊሴላዊውን ጣቢያ ይጎብኙ::…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    Bone marrow transplants (BMT) also known as stem cell transplants, are a powerful medical procedure used to treat a variety of serious conditions. It offers hope for individuals with a range of serious conditions. Here's a more detailed look at the diseases it can treat:

    1. Blood Cancers:

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of myeloid blood cells. BMT is vital for young and high-risk AML patients. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) affects immature white blood cells, with BMT for relapse or high-risk cases. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is slow-growing. Targeted therapies are first, but BMT can be for resistant or intolerant patients.

    Hodgkin Lymphoma is a lymphatic system cancer; BMT is for relapse or high-risk cases. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma comprises various lymphatic system cancers; BMT is considered for specific types and scenarios. Multiple Myeloma affects bone marrow plasma cells; BMT is common in younger, eligible patients for a profound remission.

    2. Blood Disorders:

    Severe aplastic anemia, thalassemia, and sickle cell disease can be treated with bone marrow transplants (BMT). BMT is a curative option and can offer a cure for certain types of these blood disorders, especially severe forms. However, due to significant risks, BMT is usually reserved for cases with severe complications.

    3. Immune Deficiency Disorders:

    Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID): A group of rare disorders where the immune system is severely compromised. Bone marrow transplant is the primary treatment for many SCID conditions. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome: An inherited disorder affecting platelets and the immune system. BMT is often curative.

    4. Inborn Errors of Metabolism:

    Adrenoleukodystrophy: A rare genetic disorder affecting the nervous system. BMT can be used in certain forms of this condition. Other Inherited Metabolic Disorders: BMT may be considered in some cases of inherited metabolic disorders that affect bone marrow function.

    5. Some Solid Tumors:

    Neuroblastoma: A type of childhood cancer. BMT may be used in high-risk neuroblastoma.

    Other Solid Tumors: In limited cases, BMT may be explored for other solid tumors, but it's generally not a standard treatment.

    BMT is a major procedure with significant risks, including Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD), infection, organ Damage, and long-term side effects.

    For more information visit the official site::…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    Трансплантация костного мозга обычно не используется в качестве основного лечения рака костей (остеосаркомы или саркомы Юинга). ТКМ в первую очередь нацелена на рак крови (например, лейкемию и лимфому), когда рак возникает в самом костном мозге. Рак костей, с другой стороны, возникает в костной ткани.

    Основные методы лечения рака костей сосредоточены на локальном разрушении опухоли, например:

    Хирургическое удаление опухоли, химиотерапия и лучевая терапия. Трансплантация костного мозга может рассматриваться для пациентов с раком костей, у которых также развился лейкоз или другие виды рака крови в качестве вторичного осложнения их лечения (например, химиотерапии).

    Вот некоторые очень специфические и ограниченные обстоятельства, когда они могут рассматриваться:

    Миелодиспластические синдромы (МДС): некоторые методы лечения рака костей, особенно высокие дозы химиотерапии, могут повредить костный мозг и привести к МДС. МДС — это группа расстройств, при которых костный мозг не вырабатывает достаточно здоровых клеток крови. В этих случаях может потребоваться пересадка костного мозга для восстановления здоровой выработки кровяных клеток.

    Развитие лейкемии: в крайне редких случаях у пациентов с раком костей может развиться лейкемия как вторичное осложнение их лечения. Если это происходит, пересадка костного мозга может рассматриваться как способ лечения лейкемии.

    Такие ситуации крайне редки. Пересадка костного мозга при раке костей не является стандартной практикой и рассматривается только в очень специфических и часто сложных случаях. Решение о проведении пересадки костного мозга всегда принимается индивидуально группой медицинских экспертов, которые взвешивают потенциальные преимущества и значительные риски процедуры.

    Для получения дополнительной информации посетите официальный сайт:…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    زراعة نخاع العظم (BMT) هي عملية يتم فيها استبدال نخاع العظم غير الصحي بخلايا جذعية صحية. يتم استخدامها لعلاج بعض أنواع السرطان واضطرابات الدم وأمراض المناعة الذاتية. من الممكن، ولكن من غير المرجح، أن يكون أحد الأقارب مطابقًا لنخاع العظم لعملية زراعة نخاع العظم مقارنة بالأقارب الأقرب مثل الأشقاء.

    بروتينات HLA (مستضد الكريات البيضاء البشرية) ضرورية لوظيفة الجهاز المناعي وتوافق عملية الزرع. يشترك أبناء العم في جزء أصغر من جينات HLA مقارنة بالأشقاء أو الآباء. التطابق المثالي بين جميع جينات HLA هو أمر مثالي، ولكن ليس ضروريًا دائمًا.

    يمكن أن تكون المطابقات الجزئية أو عدم التطابق ناجحة في بعض الأحيان، خاصة مع التطورات في تقنيات الزرع.

    تستخدم عمليات الزرع المتطابقة متبرعًا متطابقًا جزئيًا، مما يعني أنهم يشتركون في نصف جينات HLA فقط. يمكن اعتبار أبناء العم مناسبين لعمليات الزرع المتطابقة إذا كان لديهم تطابق جزئي. تحمل عمليات الزرع هذه مخاطر أعلى لحدوث مضاعفات مثل مرض الطعم ضد المضيف (GVHD)، حيث يهاجم الجهاز المناعي للمتبرع جسم المتلقي.

    يتطلب الأمر إجراء اختبارات مكثفة لتحديد توافق مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية بين أحد الأقارب والمتلقي.

    يتضمن ذلك فحوصات الدم وتصنيف الأنسجة. سيقوم فريق زراعة نخاع العظم بوزن المخاطر والفوائد المترتبة على استخدام أحد الأقارب كمتبرع بعناية، مع مراعاة عوامل مثل صحة المريض ودرجة تطابق مستضدات الكريات البيضاء البشرية وتوافر متبرعين محتملين آخرين.

    إذا لم يتم العثور على تطابق عائلي مناسب، يتوسع البحث ليشمل متبرعين غير مرتبطين مسجلين في السجلات الوطنية والدولية. تعمل الأبحاث الجارية والتقدم المحرز في تقنيات الزرع على تحسين النتائج باستمرار، حتى مع وجود تطابقات أقل من مثالية.

    إن قرار المضي قدمًا في عملية زرع نخاع العظم من أحد الأقارب أو عدم المضي قدمًا فيها معقد ويجب اتخاذه فقط بالتشاور مع فريق طبي مؤهل متخصص في طب زراعة الأعضاء.

    لمزيد من المعلومات، قم بزيارة الموقع الرسمي:…an-transplant/bone-marrow

    A bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a procedure that replaces unhealthy bone marrow with healthy stem cells. It's used to treat certain cancers, blood disorders, and autoimmune diseases.

    The process involves preparing the patient by reviewing medical history, conducting a physical exam, performing tests, and inserting a central venous catheter. Stem cells are then collected from the patient or a donor, filtered to remove abnormal cells, and infused into the patient through an intravenous catheter.

    The critical time after a bone marrow transplant generally occurs within the first 100 days. This period is crucial due to several factors:

    • Engraftment is the process where the transplanted stem cells begin to produce new blood cells. It typically takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, the patient's immune system is severely weakened, making them highly susceptible to infections.
    • Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a serious complication that arises when the donor's immune cells attack the recipient's tissues. The risk of GVHD is highest in the initial months following the transplant, particularly within the first 100 days.
    • Other Complications: Infections, bleeding, and organ damage are potential risks during this period.
    • The weakened immune system makes the body vulnerable to various infections, while the conditioning regimen (chemotherapy or radiation) used to prepare the body for the transplant can have side effects.

    Close monitoring by the medical team is essential during these critical first 100 days. Regular checkups, blood tests, and other assessments help identify and manage potential complications promptly.

    For more information visit the official site::…an-transplant/bone-marrow